Overview - Integrator

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Why Choose Integrator?

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Benefits to a Business Owner or Managing Director...

Integrator's management of your HR and H&S data will lead to...

  • less reliance on your staff to provide you with information from their systems.
  • a professional culture within your business, portraying control and consistency.
  • staff working more efficiently, as a result of...
    • not wasting time setting up their own uncoordinated ‘Data Islands’.
    • working in a more co-ordinated manner, sharing information through the system.
    • working more promptly and accurately with information at their fingertips.

Integrator is simple to set up and the benefits will be seen immediately. Comprehensive Help and Tuition is built in throughout, virtually eliminating the requirement for training.

Detail screens hold all of your relevant data, including Notes, Photo's, Documents and Reminders, within each of the chosen Modules. (Employees, Accidents, Resources...)

Once data has been entered, the Browser screens automatically generate Overviews and Statistics. Drill-down facilities enable direct access to check any points of interest or concern.

For an overview of how Integrator operates... Click here